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Four County Alliance of
Southeast Idaho

How Can We Help

Are you a start-up business? We can help with resources such as business plans, capital funding solutions, marketing strategies and networking.

Are you an existing business looking to expand? We have resources to help with public infrastructure such as rail, power, municipal water and sewer, roads and broadband services. We network with resources for marketing strategies and advertising. 

Is workforce an issue? We can help with developing an apprenticeship program through the Idaho Department of Labor, SEITec, Idaho State University College of Technology and Eastern Idaho College. 

Do you have specialty food products to sale? We can connect with you the Idaho Department of Agriculture and other organizations such as regional farmers markets. 

Are you doing or looking to conduct international trade? We can help apply for attending export trade mission either with the State of Idaho or on your own. Trade shows are varied. Trade Ambassadors are also available.
Is your business having issues with state agencies or local agencies? We can help find answers and solutions.  

Looking for site to put your business? We can help locate a site suitable for your building needs, or we can help find an existing building. 


Four County Alliance of Southeast Idaho is a non-profit organization which promotes job creation, economic growth, sustainable growth and improved standards in Bear Lake, Caribou, Franklin and Oneida Counties.


4CASI works in partnership with businesses, universities, communities and our workforce. The organization provides a variety of services which encourage economic development, technology, entrepreneurship, business development, business retention, and business expansion.


4CASI also is involved in community projects which will improve the quality of life and business climate in the communities served. We are always providing resources for grants and other funding sources to assist our communities in growth.




T: 208-317-7898





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